


◎ 數量只需1100碼就可做燙金服務,燙金緞帶寬幅須大於9mm以上。
◎ 有庫存現貨之緞帶(無燙金),最低訂購量為110碼。
◎ 交期 :
◎ 緞帶寬幅會有±2mm之誤差,實屬正常現象。
◎ 燙金加工圖樣距緞帶天地須留2mm,圖樣與圖樣之間正常間距為65mm。
◎ 緞帶顏色由於個人觀感不同及螢幕色差問題,與實品會有些微色差之現象,實為正常。

※ 緞帶規格 : 每捲110碼、採用孔徑12mm塑膠頭及2片19cm紙盤。
※ 版費及加工費用另計。
※ 1碼等於90公分。
※ 誠徵全球各區唯一代理商。

Imprinting is available at a minimum of 1100 yards. The width of the ribbon for imprinting is no smaller than 9 mm.
At a minimum of 8800 yards, any color can be specified.
A minimum of only 110 yards can be purchased from our stock (non-imprinting).
11 working days after confirmation to deliver for in-stock goods; 21 working days for goods not in-stock (domestic).
For international order, confirm on 21st and ship on 11th the next month (FOD).
An error within 2mm for the ribbon width should be acceptable.
There should be a 2mm margin between the artwork and the ribbon edges. A 65mm margin between artworks is necessary. The charge for a bigger margin (than 50mm) is the same, but is higher for a smaller one.
The color of ribbon could have a slight difference from what's shown on computer screen. It's normal and should be accepted.
Specification: 110 yards per roll, two pieces of 19-cm round cardboard, a plastic head with a 12mm hole.
Additional charges for artwork design and processing should be paid.
1 yard equals 90 cm.
Have openings for exclusive regional distributors worldwide.
